Monday, March 16, 2009

Hello world!

So what kind of gal starts her very first blog at 11:34pm on a Monday night?

Well, for starters, an unemployed gal ... who, by the way, happens to be quite inspired by her good friend's #100 post at OK, so maybe my competitive nature has a bit to do with it too - after all, woman can't live by LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter alone.

I'll have lots to say - much of it funny (hopefully) - but all of it told with love.

My name is Sallie, and I'm happily married to my husband Ricky (12 years) and we have a terrific daughter, Sarah Clay, who's 8 years old and loves her pets: Happy (a fish), Skittle (a cat), Dixie (a Springer Spaniel), and Molly (a Yorkie-Poo). Oh yeah, and did I mention we live on a 9 acre pond? That's right .... right next door to my parents-in-law, a brother/sister-in-law, another brother/sister-in-law, and another brother/sister-in-law.

For the purpose of my blog, I shall call it Pegasus Pond. For it, is my muse.

1 comment:

  1. Sallo- Welcome to the world of blogging. I'm THRILLED!!

    Love your post, and am honored that I've inspired you. You've done the same for me for years.

    After you finish YOUR 100th things post- you can work on this one-

